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Voice a Concern or File a Complaint About Your Experience With the OAH

      While employees of the Office of Administrative Hearings (OAH) cannot give legal advice or take an action that affects the decision in your case, they can answer questions and help resolve concerns.

      You may not request a hearing or file an appeal through this website. If you have a concern about the way OAH handled your case at any step of the process, or if you have a complaint against an OAH employee, including an Administrative Law Judge, we want to hear from you.

      If you complete the Concern/Complaint Form, which can be found by clicking on this link, Voice a Concern, OAH’s Quality Assurance Division (QA) will investigate your Concern/Complaint. The QA Division cannot complete the investigation of your complaint until after your case is closed. You will be notified when your Concern/Complaint has been received. After QA reviews your Concern/Complaint, you will be notified of the outcome. Because State Personnel matters are confidential, QA cannot report to you if any personnel action is taken as a result of your Concern/Complaint.

      Please understand that neither the Chief Administrative Law Judge nor Quality Assurance can intervene to change what happened in your case, and filing a Concern/Complaint will not result in a change to the decision that was made in your case. If you are dissatisfied with the decision that was made in your case, you may have a right to file an appeal. Your appeal rights are listed on your decision. There are strict deadlines and filing requirements that you must meet if you want to file an appeal.